Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy
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Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science and Director of the Taubman Center, Wendy Schiller, is a guest on this podcast episode, where she discusses the current standing of the GOP.
Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs, Deborah Gordon, appeared in this podcast interview to discuss the environmental risk of fossil fuels.
"Can Democrats Design Social Programs that Survive?" (Interview with Eric Patashnik)
Julis-Rabinowitz Professor of Public Policy and Chair of Political Science, Eric Patashnik, appeared in this podcast to discuss his work on the politics of programs survivability after reforms passed Congress.
"Balance of Power: Ambassador Confirmation Delay" (Interview with Wendy Schiller)
Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science and Director of the Taubman Center, Wendy Schiller, discusses the delay in appointing ambassadors to serve in the Biden administration.
"Former CVS executive Helena Foulkes announces candidacy for governor of RI" (Commentary by Wendy Schiller)
In this article, Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science and Director of the Taubman Center, Wendy Schiller, provided commentary on Helena Foulkes' confirmed candidacy for Governor of Rhode Island: "If she is planning to run from a business perspective, she will have to outmaneuver Dan McKee and Seth Magaziner..."
"The Public's Voice: the state of Rhode Island politics in 2021" (Interview with Wendy Schiller)
Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science and Director of the Taubman Center, Wendy Schiller, appeared in this segment of The Public's Radio to discuss women in politics - specifically in Rhode Island and the greater New England region.
"Democratic Plans Stall in Senate as Party Confronts Power Limits" (Commentary by Wendy Schiller)
Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science and Director of the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy, Wendy Schiller, provided commentary in this article on aspects of the Democratic agenda that have been brought before the Senate: "I think they feel like they get much more bang for the buck from transportation and infrastructure. People driving over potholes are not going to vote for re-election for you."
"Democrats Face Bitter Pills To Lower Reconciliation Topline. This May Be Their Best Option." (Commentary by Richard Arenberg)
Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs and Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science, Richard Arenberg, "As long as adjustments made fall within the parameters of the reconciliation instructions in the budget resolution, I don’t think it would present procedural difficulties."
"Surveillance: Near-Term Risks With Doll (Podcast)" (Interview with Wendy Schiller)
Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science and Director of the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy, Wendy Schiller, appears on this podcast episode.
"Whether it’s homes or jobs, our dreams are moving further out of reach every year" (Written by Mark Blyth)
Director of the William R. Rhodes Center for International Economics and Finance, William R. Rhodes Professor of International Economics, and Professor of International and Public Affairs, Mark Blyth, penned this piece on the current housing market, how it's affecting middle class America, and where it may potentially be heading.
Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science and Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs, Richard Arenberg, comments on the role of the Senate Parliamentarian.
"Who gets what? Understanding the new politics of insecurity" (Written by Margaret Weir)
In this article, Wilson Professor of International and Public Affairs and Political Science Margaret Weir discusses her latest book, "Who Gets What? The New Politics of Insecurity."
"By the people, for the people'... but who really runs America?" (Commentary by Wendy Schiller)
Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science, Professor of Political Science, and Director of the A. Alfred Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy, Wendy Schiller, comments on the importance of state capitols.
Sturgeon’s economic council is a fig-leaf for independence (Mark Blyth cited)
This article mentions Director of the William R. Rhodes Center for International Economics and Finance Mark Blyth as one of the latest recruits for a new economic advisory council formed by the Scottish government.
Bloomberg Daybreak: July 15, 2021 (interview with Wendy Schiller)
Professor of Political Science and Director of the A. Alfred Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy Wendy J. Schiller appeared on this segment of Bloomberg Daybreak.
Why does inflation worry the right so much? (written by Mark Blyth)
Director of the William R. Rhodes Center for International Economics and Finance Mark Blyth wrote this article about inflation in The Guardian.
This article features an interview with Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs and Former Director, Energy and Climate Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Deborah Gordon on rising levels of methane.
Who's on the Scottish Government's new economic council? (Mark Blyth mentioned)
Director of the William R. Rhodes Center for International Economics and Finance Mark Blyth is mentioned in this article as a member of the Scottish government's new economic council.
The governor’s plan to reinvent Penn Station might need some rethinking (Marc Dunkelman cited)
This article references a piece by Fellow in International and Public Affairs Marc Dunkelman examining the history of New York's Penn Station.
Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science and Professor of Political Science Wendy J. Schiller in The Guardian, "McConnell is trying to get the business community and business owners back in their camp in terms of contributions and money and support. He’s trying to rebuild that more traditional Republican base, particularly with money, going into 2022..."
Bloomberg Daybreak: June 25 (Interview with Wendy Schiller)
Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science and Professor of Political Science Wendy J. Schiller is a guest in this radio segment.
Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs and Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science Richard Arenberg comments that "While some of the rhetoric by Democrats may be a little overheated, the proliferation of outrageous voter suppression laws in red states around the country make a federal response critical."
The G7 helped to build this low-tax world. Are they really ready to change it? (Written by Mark Blyth)
Director of the William R. Rhodes Center for International Economics and Finance Mark Blyth wrote this article regarding potential tax changes.
Bloomberg Daybreak: June 10, 2021 (Interview with Wendy Schiller)
Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science and Professor of Political Science Wendy Schiller appeared on this episode of Bloomberg Daybreak.