In this debate, Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs and Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science Richard Arenberg argues in favor of the fillibuster.
Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs and Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science, Richard Arenberg, provided commentary in this article stating, "It really comes down to this fundamental question of whether or not you think it’s a good thing for a president with a legislative majority to be able to do things without any bipartisan input."
Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs and Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science, Richard Arenberg, penned this article on the history of the filibuster over the past 40 years.
Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs and Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science Richard Arenberg offered commentary on how the rise in inflation could complicate the politics on a spending bill.
Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs and Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science, Richard Arenberg, "As long as adjustments made fall within the parameters of the reconciliation instructions in the budget resolution, I don’t think it would present procedural difficulties."